Slurm API

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This page describes how to connect and use slurm API in order to submit a job in powerslurm cluster, Including a job originating from a web site

Official Documentation:


In-order to authenticate against the API, you need to use your TAU username and a JWT token.

Tokens can only be created on Login nodes, such as powerslurm-login.

Python example for token creation

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import requests
from jwt import JWT
from jwt.jwa import HS256
from jwt.jwk import jwk_from_dict
from jwt.utils import b64encode
import time
import getpass

def generate_jwt_token(expiration_time=60):
    # Get the currently logged in user
    current_user = getpass.getuser()
    with open("/var/spool/slurm/statesave/jwt_hs256.key", "rb") as f:
        priv_key =
    signing_key = jwk_from_dict({
        'kty': 'oct',
        'k': b64encode(priv_key)
    message = {
        "exp": int(time.time() + expiration_time),
        "iat": int(time.time()),
        "sun": current_user
    jwt_instance = JWT()
    compact_jws = jwt_instance.encode(message, signing_key, alg='HS256')
    return compact_jws

# example output:

Submit Job:

The base url for the API is:

Job submissions url is:

Python Example:


import requests
from jwt import JWT
from jwt.jwa import HS256
from jwt.jwk import jwk_from_dict
from jwt.utils import b64encode
import time
import getpass

current_user = getpass.getuser()
def generate_jwt_token(expiration_time=60):
    with open("/var/spool/slurm/statesave/jwt_hs256.key", "rb") as f:
        priv_key =
    signing_key = jwk_from_dict({
        'kty': 'oct',
        'k': b64encode(priv_key)
    message = {
        "exp": int(time.time() + expiration_time),
        "iat": int(time.time()),
        "sun": current_user
    jwt_instance = JWT()
    compact_jws = jwt_instance.encode(message, signing_key, alg='HS256')
    return compact_jws

# api url
base_url = ""
# auth token
jwt_token = generate_jwt_token()

# job submission url
job_url = f'{base_url}/slurm/v0.0.39/job/submit'
# Auth Headers
headers = {
    'X-SLURM-USER-NAME': current_user,
    'X-SLURM-USER-TOKEN': jwt_token

# the job request
jobs_request =
        "script": "#!/bin/bash\n\n"
                  "srun hostname\n"
                  "echo \"hello world444\"\n"
                  "sleep 30",
        "job": {

            "partition": "Partition_Name",
            "tasks": 1,
            "name": "test",
            "account": "Slurm_Account_Name",
            "nodes": "1",
			# how much CPU you need
            "cpus_per_task": 2,
			# How much Memory you need per node, in MB
            "memory_per_node": {
                "number": 2048,
                "set": False,
                "infinite": True
			# List of nodes where the job must be allocated (uncomment the below 3 lines, and specify node name)
            # "required_nodes": [  
            #     "Node_Name"
            # ],
            "standard_input": "/dev/null",
            "standard_output": "FULL_PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILE",
            "standard_error": "FULL_PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE",
            "environment": [

jobs_result = jobs_request.json()

More Examples: